This month we asked our customer Tracy to share her story with us.

Tell us a little about yourself:
I was born in New York City, but I grew up in Mississippi. I moved to Colorado with my mom, and that is where I met my husband who was in the Air Force. I’m a mother of 5—4 daughters and a son who died when he was 28 hours old. I’m married to my very best friend who is amazing! He is so supportive, and I know he is truly crazy about me because that is how he makes me feel. We owned a book store for 5 years--until a couple of years ago. I’ve home schooled all of our daughters since 1994. I had my last two babies at home with a midwife. In the past 18 months, I started weight training again after some years of not, and lost 89 pounds!
How long have you been wearing Jon Renau wigs for?
I’ve been wearing Jon Renau hair for about a year now.
What do you love about our brand?
I love how natural and realistic Jon Renau hair looks. I love that it is so easily customizable. That is really important to me because I make each piece fit me. I love how well it holds up. I have traveled multiple times with my JR pieces!
What advice would you give to a new wig wearer?
Like so many women I’ve met lately, I have a couple of medical conditions that contributed to hair thinning. After losing weight, the hair loss just accelerated, and I was devastated! I feel that it is much less acceptable for women to lose hair than it is for men. I never realized just how much self-confidence was tied to my hair until I started losing it. I was terrified to wear a wig at first. I just knew that the first time I went out in one, people were going to point and snicker. Surprise! They didn’t. Not only did they not, but I got so many compliments on how pretty my hair looked. People don’t notice things as much as we think they do. My hair was shoulder length, but I started wearing longer hair. People actually asked me if I had gotten my hair cut!
I mostly stuck with reddish colors until someone sent me a blonde wig to try. I loved the blonde too, so now I switch up the two colors depending on my mood. I was very much not open about wig-wearing for quite a while, but then I decided, 1.) If I’m going to have to wear helper hair, then I’m going to have fun with it by changing colors and styles, 2.) maybe I can help other women become confident with wearing hair if they see how much fun I have with it. I don’t shout it from the rooftops, but those who see me on a regular basis now know. Most of the guys are still clueless. One friend recently told me he just thought I did stuff to my hair a lot and thought it was cool. J My girlfriends are all very supportive and love to see what I am going to be wearing. I would love to try Zara and Courtney one day. Wearing hair has literally taken 15 years off the way I look, and combined with the weight loss, I feel pretty again!